Paul David Ali
At the heart of this tale is the forced assimilation of a Mexican-American child who has been stolen away from her family by anglo missionaries who want to raise her as their own. The play takes place two generations later. “Links” transcends the boundaries of reality with a narrative that forces truth from the lips of its reticent characters and shape-shifts time and space to surprise and delight its audience
"Links" has a cast of six: two men and three women.There are three settings which can be represented with a minimum amount of furniture and props.The running time is 70 to 80 minutes.
JUST HANGIN: a one act play
Young adults who have grown up together in the neighborhood sit in a park and attempt to carry on the same conversations that have sustained their past friendships, but now they are skirting the edges of adulthood, and things are not the same. They learn that with knowledge comes heartbreak.
"Just Hangin" has a cast of five: three men and two women. There is only one setting. Only a park bench is needed. The running time is 12 minutes.
HEROIN: a one-act play
The angel of death visits a Heroin addict just before his last fix.
The cast is two people. They may either be male or female. There is one setting. It is a hotel room. The play runs for 6 minutes.